The Embrace ministry is an initiative that strives to support families within our congregation who have loved ones aged 17 and above with autism and Down syndrome. We provide two key forms of support:

1. Sunday Services 

Families will have the opportunity to participate in our Sunday English services held at a dedicated ballroom at Marina Bay Sands, which is complemented by an adjoining activity hall. In this space, their loved ones with special needs can engage in interactive games and hands-on activities accompanied by our volunteers.

Every 2nd & 4th Sundays 
11.30am, MBS Ballrooms

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Note: To ensure that our dedicated volunteers can provide the best care to the individuals they serve, we’re unable to accommodate walk-ins at our Sunday services. Thank you for your understanding!

2. Parent Support Group

Parents and caregivers gather regularly to connect and support one another in a small-group setting.

Every 3rd Saturday 
3pm to 5pm 

Note: December's meeting is cancelled due to the year-end holidays. Meetings will resume in January 2025.

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Contact Us To Join The Embrace Ministry!

If you're interested in joining the Embrace Ministry, we’d love to hear from you! Please email us at