Ministry Leader: Pastor Edwin Lim

Serve At Our Service Venues

We’ve joyfully chosen to serve because we’ve personally experienced God’s overwhelming love, goodness and favour in our lives. While some aspects of our service are done behind the scenes, we know that what we do has a real impact on our church members because God is able to use what we do in the natural in supernatural ways. By His grace and anointing, we aim to make a radical difference in the lives of everyone we meet.

If loving and impacting the thousands of people who come to church each week stirs your heart, join our ministry!


Our volunteers serve closely alongside our ushers to welcome and host our congregation. We believe in meeting people at their point of need and our mission is to be an expression of Jesus’ great love. If you enjoy interacting with people, we welcome you to serve with us in this dynamic team. 


This team of medical doctors, nurses and paramedics are on standby during services to tend to congregation members should they require immediate medical attention.


Our servers assist in the preparation of our service venues by ensuring that the necessary preparations, such as setting up of signage, allocation of holy Communion elements, placement of reservation tags and more are taken care of before each service. 


This group of frontline servers welcomes and assists our congregation during services and events and guiding them to available seats.


These servers reach out and minister to congregation members and visitors who are hard of hearing. They interpret the sermon using sign language during the 2.30pm English service at The Star Performing Arts Centre.

If you know basic sign language and would like to be a blessing to those with hearing impairment, please contact us via our online form